Introduction of air compressor cooling equipment
Aug 16 , 2024

The cooling equipment of the air compressor is essential for its normal operation and extended service life. The air compressor generates a lot of heat energy during operation. If it is not cooled in time, it will cause the machine to overheat, affect efficiency and even damage the equipment. The following are the main types and working principles of air compressor cooling equipment:

1.Air-cooled cooling: The cooling fan installed on the air compressor blows ambient air to the machine, reducing the temperature of the machine through convection. This cooling method is simple and low-cost, and is suitable for air compressors with smaller power. However, the cooling effect may be limited by ambient temperature and air quality.

2.Water-cooled cooling: The machine temperature is lowered through a coolant circulation system built into the air compressor. The coolant absorbs the heat generated by the machine in the cooler pipes and takes the heat away through the circulation system. Water-cooled cooling can better control the temperature of the machine and is suitable for high-power air compressors. However, an additional cooling system needs to be installed, which is relatively expensive.

3.Oil-cooled cooling: The temperature of the machine is reduced by a cooling oil circulation system built into the air compressor. The cooling oil absorbs the heat generated by the machine and takes the heat away through the circulation system. It is suitable for certain specific air compressor designs.

4.Aftercooler: Usually installed after the air compressor, it is used to further cool the compressed air and separate the moisture in the compressed gas to ensure the quality of the compressed air and the safe operation of the equipment.

5.Plate cooler and tube cooler: Plate cooler has compact structure, but is suitable for low-pressure system and difficult to clean. Tube cooler has coiled tube type, shell and tube type and other types. Through improvement to reduce volume and weight, it is currently the most commonly used form in air compressor devices.

Plate cooler and tube cooler: Plate cooler has compact structure, but is suitable for low-pressure system and difficult to clean. Tube cooler has coiled tube type, shell and tube type and other types. Through improvement to reduce volume and weight, it is currently the most commonly used form in air compressor devices.

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