Why does the screw air compressor need a matching gas tank?
Aug 16 , 2024

The reasons why screw air compressors need to be equipped with gas storage tanks mainly include the following:

1.Balanced air pressure: The gas storage tank can balance the pressure fluctuation caused by the instantaneous increase in gas consumption of the gas-using equipment, ensuring the stability of the air pressure.

2.Reduce the number of air compressor starts and stops: By storing compressed air, the air tank can reduce the frequent starts and stops of the air compressor due to demand fluctuations, extend the service life of the air compressor, and reduce energy consumption.

3.Initial cooling and air purification: Compressed air will stay in the air tank for a certain period of time, during which the air temperature will decrease, which will help the precipitation of moisture and impurities, thereby improving air quality.

4.Energy saving effect: The system equipped with an air storage tank can reduce the time when the air compressor is running at no load, thus saving electricity.

5.Provide a stable gas source: The gas tank acts as a buffer zone and can provide stable compressed air to meet the demand for stable gas source during production.

The choice of air tank should be determined according to the exhaust volume of the air compressor. It is generally recommended that the volume of the air tank be between 10% and 20% of the exhaust volume of the compressor, and the air tank that can withstand the exhaust pressure of the compressor should be selected. At the same time, the air tank needs to be drained regularly to remove the accumulated moisture and impurities inside to ensure the cleanliness of the compressed air. In addition, the safety valve and pressure gauge of the air tank must be installed correctly and inspected regularly to ensure safe use.

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